In the past, Thailand was an agricultural society with settled communities growing beside the waterways. The river was the m important avenue of communication, and boats were the standard form of transport for everyone
the Royal Barges as well as artifacts and accessories used I the ceremony.
Suphannahong Royal Barge: The prow of the barges vas sculpted in a mythological swan figure, and the vessel was completed in the reign of King
Rama VI. This is the highest class of Royal barge, and is was awarded the Sea Heritage Medal from the World Ships Organisation of Great Britain in 1981.
Anantanagaraj Royal Barge: The prow of this barge is carved in the form of a seven-head naga. It
is use to carry the Buddha image or Phra Krathin, the monks' robes offered during the festival. ,
Anekchartputchong Royal Barge: This was built in the reign of King Rama V, and is the one Royal barge to be coloured pink.
Among the exhibits in the museum are the Kanya Throne, Budsaba Throne,
and many kinds of oars and paddles. Due to lack of space, only of the Royal barges can be seen there. The other five a kept at Wasukree Pier and at the
Royal Tai Navy Transport Department