๙ พ.ค. ๒๕๕๐



Jim Thompson House is a house belong to the late James H.W. Thomson who came to Thailand as an officer in the US forces during World War II. When he war ended, he decided to settle in the Kingdom.

During his stay, Thompson become interested in traditional Thai textiles, and being trained as an architect, tie used his talent to create new designs and colour schemes for his textiles. The name Jim Thompson become synonymous with Thai silk after he intro?duced the traditional silk to the international market. He had arranged for dismantling of ancient teak houses from various places and reassembled them on the bank of Sansap Canal in Bangkok, today known as Jim Thompson's House. He myster?iously disappeared during a visit to the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia in 1967, leaving behind him his house of historical value as his memorial in Thailand. Ban Thai Museum: Apart from Thompson's splendid art collection and personal belongings exhibited here, the rooms were arranged to reflect the life of Thai people in former times. The garden, featuring various native Thai flowers, is maintained in a natural way and to reflect Thai art and living culture.
